Saturday, July 21, 2007

just felt like updating. this blog hasnt been update manzxzx.

Nissa: Hey love! :) knew you like this year only, but you're fantastic. yes you are. you are my twinnie alrights and you are b1. never is kalpz gonna be b1. you are b1 and i am b2 and with this i love you deeply, hen duo hen duo!
Celine: eh ahchia :) knew you this year too! you've been a good vchair and you'll cont to be one! jiayouuuu. and i believe you'll excel in your lifesaving thing too okay :D
Felicia: feliciaa :) we started hanging this year, being in the same class and going for recess and all that, youre just so fun! popcorn :D
Stella: yifen!! :) oh boy, you are ever so friendly, altho you think you're very cute at times, you still bring to us the loads of smile that you can ever give. and i thank you for that :D
I love everyoneeeeee of you! :D

Time to Love. Y
7:33 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007
the rocker
hey all. you know what. i rock. hahahahhaa. no ones updating. and i've got nth to blog abt actually. but I LOVE GIRLFRIEND! <3
Time to Love. Y
1:12 AM
Stella Michelle Gabriella Tay Yi Fen
Felicia Jamie Nathitta Tan Qian Hui
23rd September is OUR bday!
our lovee
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very extraordiary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that i can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love is made for me and you
We already have daughters, ESTHER!, NISSA!, CELINE!
EDITOR:Photoshop Elements 5.0